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[英文] 法国旅游必备英语口语 [複製鏈接]

1、法国旅游英语词汇:  1.admiration n.欣赏8 H7 l% I: p3 ?. b
  No wonder Paris has attracted the admiration of the whole world.$ X2 ?7 {5 }! \2 ?
1 L0 s# W7 T* e$ ?0 `  同义词:appreciation9 I- z- w7 w: Q, g) g5 D
  2.antiquity n.古代;古物6 f3 R% n' H: z" H7 N2 z
  The rooms were full of antiquities from all over the world.
7 C- Z; U' q; ^. F7 l* v  各个展厅里全都摆满了来自世界各地的文物。$ l5 F5 Z* `, D" q: G
  3.glimpse n.一瞥;v.瞥见0 t; Y3 T2 ^: d# C1 S/ v
  There was a long line of peopie wait-ing to have a glimpse of it.* |8 y5 q5 c9 [- r& j4 _
  人们排成一条长队,就等着看它一眼。; f3 j; N2 W+ p1 K
6 T1 r6 z4 P0 l, E1 t- C4 F  4.original adj.原始的
$ {2 R1 C5 b1 s- p  There were many lavishly painted rooms with the original furniture and gilded decor.
! T2 F. u9 p2 F0 w9 [  ^, O  很多房间的装修都极奢华,里面摆放着当时的家具,还有镀金的装饰。
2 Y* F+ W7 m" `9 a& j/ v. D  5.incomplete adj.不完全的,不完善的
  C. S" F2 n* g  A trip to Paris would be incomplete without visiting the boutiques.$ W; d4 X4 R# Q6 C( _* f% Y9 }  H
. R/ q3 Z$ i  g7 }5 D% V0 M  6.elegant adj.优雅的
$ }2 v8 J& |) {  U) I: Q* Q  Just window shopping and browsing in those beautiful stores made me fantasize that I was an elegant rich lady!
: l: M5 i8 @5 [  仅仅在这些漂亮的店里随便逛逛,我就觉得自己是个又有钱又优雅的女士。. s& P9 M' E& v3 d; ?
  7.Sstyle n.式样,风格& o8 b) C5 ~8 h' V, s
  The real allure and charm of Paris lies in the life in Paris and the style of Parisians.4 H* G4 ]& ~; |! B- z* m- O
1 S4 i' k+ c4 I; K! W" a+ Y
/ G. [+ ?  V6 n  v) |- @) V  8.transform n.改变;转变- A) r1 N$ R* W+ o/ h7 N. y* X
  I found the French could transform everyday objects into works of art!7 A6 x* R) ]: O( F  s0 \- S
  我发现法国人可以把日常生活里的一切都变成艺术品。" j5 K# r4 b# x+ Z, g% ^! b
  9.cathedral n.大教堂
7 L9 ^5 M# m  B; Y! a  As evoning come to Paris,I felt even better when I heard music floating from the concerts in the cathedrals.
( [' \" P# m3 {8 ]) ?  在巴黎,当夜暮降临时,你会听到从教堂里传出的音乐声,感觉更加惬意。0 N1 j6 a  X- L
  10.flavor n.口味,味道4 t6 ~  E3 n, T% N) a% R
  It's said that a person has never tasted the true flavor of France untilhe has dined in Paris.# s: ]2 X* u3 t" o) W& N
  有人说没有在巴黎吃过晚餐,你就不算真正品尝过法国的滋味。) a" v& \4 y! [
  2、法国旅游英语短语:  1.above ground 地面上% N2 J& p4 S5 X6 w4 I  |5 Y  o
  2.peak season 旺季6 D% l. F6 ?* t( d% v# F2 t
  3.give up 放弃
$ l( C; m2 `. {; A) p* O( Q& z4 n  4.take one's turn to 轮到某人做某事
# U6 p* L; Z& o* Q' n; S! o8 U  5.a man of vision 有眼光的人; n9 F% B) l" J3 d( _% x; U
  6.ahead of 在……前面( J  `1 G3 E) u% O& ^
  7.the European Union 欧盟
6 n( @: N) Y4 Y% q+ Y* e  8.Notre Dame de Paris 巴黎圣母院2 P2 T  z0 T7 b% N1 x
  9.Eiffel Tower 艾菲尔铁塔
/ }8 p0 s9 u- }( U1 m  10.Arch of Triumph 凯旋门
' ^. a; V, j1 W5 e# W  11.Elysee Palace 爱丽舍宫
" e3 Q* J; e4 n1 `  12.Louvre 卢浮宫0 G" T# ~  S8 _, W" Z6 r# g
  13.River Seine 塞纳河
7 N3 C: |+ F2 {9 _7 B$ |  14.cultural heritage 文化遗产
; `1 v1 u) Q8 i0 G5 T  15.the Alps 阿尔卑斯山脉# v. F  C8 \, u+ }
  16.fashion capital 时尚之都! O7 e' O% ?& _1 T0 H
  17.national flower 国花
$ y/ d$ c& }, w4 O9 ]/ Z6 B: D8 W  18.Catholic Church天主教
( o# V: k. a( `" P, o% z  K9 A  19.PFace Charles de Gaulle 戴高乐星形广场. e1 Q7 D* m( v
  20.the Renaissance 文艺复兴
% [+ }' A) Y" A* o9 c" X8 R  3、法国旅游英语对话:  情境对话1
5 b+ _* }; B! f* m; G# j& m4 g  Ken:I'd like to visit the famous spots in Paris. Can you tell me what they are?
- {6 a2 F$ h! Q- M* E2 `  肯:我想游览巴黎的名胜,你能告诉我有哪些吗?5 O  q8 g2 Y; j' A2 x
  Nina:Well,Eiffel Tower,Louvre Museum and Arch of Triumph are all good places of interest in this city.
# N9 W& q* t$ X% x5 C  妮娜:嗯,埃菲尔铁塔、卢浮宫、凯旋门都是市内的胜地。. u+ [  G( ?. C2 a+ y
  Ken:Oh,I can't wait to go, but I have only two days, so do you think I can visit all of those places in two days?
) b/ I. o: w5 R7 M& `; q  肯:啊,我都迫不及待,可我只有两天的时间,你认为我能在两天内游览完所有这些地方吗?- d, S9 l$ g7 V$ U3 ]! J# m; f
  Nina:No,you can't if you want to take a good look at them.
) L' l6 \% \) q7 s5 m. X" H  妮娜:如果你想好好游览而不是走马观花的话,那两天时间是不行的。7 ~1 X2 L# _" ~* d2 u
  Ken:That's too bad But I still can choose a few of them.Then What's the best way to do my sightseeing?
$ Z0 G+ q2 s4 J5 U# ~  肯:太可惜了,不过我还是可以选些地方去游览的。那我最好怎么样游览呢?  {; F( t; {0 B6 u0 X7 i. _7 v
  Nina:ln that case t suggest you go to Louvre Museum first.Because there are so many treasure there.
9 c! E6 e9 U: T# p8 I" b  妮娜:这样的话,我建议你先去卢浮宫,因为那里有很多珍宝。, P7 v" B+ p5 z% ^# z/ W
  Ken:Really?So I should set oft at once.
( g. k( q, j( F9 j2 }1 J- B  肯:是吗?看样子我得马上出发了。! L, G: H( y6 z
  Nina:Have a good time!
1 C' P7 [, M) b5 t& Z; E8 _  妮娜:祝你玩儿得开心!: c1 ^9 Q5 s+ \6 |4 h7 V% I' ]
  Ken:Thank you." _8 c6 y( B8 F: V* A
8 J0 _7 f% g. B  情境对话2
$ A1 e$ R/ H' `0 {  Janet:Which city impressed you most during your trip?9 i1 T7 X  R. t$ Z1 @
& A+ v. d: Y* [+ }9 A  Georgia:It was Paris,I suppose.
: U  o% P! s( V+ m7 C; }8 o  乔洽亚:我想要算巴黎了。+ m( U/ o, d4 j  r) ?( {
  Janet:The name of the city sounds very romantic.1 u/ d- w4 k8 |) @: H
  珍妮特:这城市的名字就让人觉得充满浪漫气息。; x& p: l+ L; @0 K% e( P: l
  Georgia:Yes,the Eiffel Tower is the symbol of the city. Hard to imagine how it was built over a hundred years ago.
" b8 O: n8 I4 n. Y  乔洽亚:是啊;埃菲尔铁塔是这个城市的象征。建于1 00多年前,真不可思议。$ M: G4 ^" y$ [" R- G! M; {
  Janet:Did you go to the top platform?3 u2 J5 |/ m/ m. ^4 G
3 L- ~* Z- w3 \- R( Y7 Y3 p5 G  Georgia:Yes,I enjoyed the splendid view of Paris at night,too.
7 d7 a3 n6 q# [9 U  乔治亚:到了,我还饱览了巴黎美妙的夜景呢。( Y1 F2 }5 v/ E1 D/ [, [/ J8 }
  Janet:Did you got to the Louvre Palace?& E/ d; o6 A9 _* [; _
( D3 O5 ?$ ?% J* c) n; d9 T  Georgia:How could I miss it! I spent a whole day inside and still couldnlt finish seeing all its collections of wortd famous treasures.I saw the Greek statue of Venus de Milo,too.( D( A$ J+ E- I! v: [
  乔治亚:我怎么会错过!我在里面流连了一整天还是没能将里面所有闻名于世的珍藏看完。我还看到了希腊的维纳斯雕塑。5 w# W) ]/ ~$ n" f. s& Y8 r" n
  Janet:The Greek goddess of love?
8 N: r* u' p- }6 i  珍妮特:就是希腊的爱神像?! o- l" b0 s7 a; ~' x/ b- Q; V
  Georgia:That's right.# M$ a3 D4 @: T0 T
  乔治亚:对呀。4 T' \% ^- C1 `
  Janet:I'd like to go to Paris at once.! {: w' i* z  M  [6 h2 m0 _! Y
  珍妮特:我想马上就去巴黎。# i# l1 }3 d3 r$ U# Y
3 k2 ]- C' |  a$ h
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